Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tiocfaidh Ár Lá

One step closer!

Let's hope this heralds the beginning of a new era!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Get Lost

When I was young and stupid(I'm old and stupid now), some friends and I discovered some abandoned buildings on a soon-to-be deactivated Air Force base we used to live on.
It was night and we wandered around one particular building, finding our way with flashlights, peering into the frozen-in-time eeriness of the rooms and offices.
The jackpot was what appeared to be a command center with a huge plexiglass map board a la Dr. Stranglove. You could just imagine scores of soldiers plotting the trajectories of bombers across this map, while the Brass stood above, looking approvingly out of the large, glassed in office.

This site brought back that feeling. A great collection of photos taken of abandonded towns,factories...and creepily enough, Abandoned Mental Institutions
Looking at some of these, you get a sort of a The Shining meets The Blair Witch Project kind of feel. What is it about exploring empty buildings that makes you start believing in ghosts?

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Seek and You Shall Find

From PC World comes this excellent collection of some strange sights discovered via Google Earth.

If you really like them, you can download the Placemark

The Badlands Gaurdian is incredible...I think I like the naturally occuring weirdness versus the man-made weirdness.

OK, I'm off to find my own oddities out there. A while back I found some strange circles in the Saudi Arabian desert...I'll see if I can find them again. That or finding a little boat out in the middle of south Pacific would be cool.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Loaded With Fun

What do you get when you cross The Cramps with The IDF?

Israeli Girls with Machine Guns
Apologies to Lux Interior

Friday, July 20, 2007

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Free Elections

Interesting perspective on the mess in Israel/Palestine.
I still keep going back to the fact that these maniacs were freely elected and our President, whose self-proclaimed mission is to spread Democracy throught the world, and especially the Muslim world, is doing everything he can to undermine an elected government.(And not just Venezuela's).

Hamas acted on a very real fear of a US-sponsored coup | Israel and the Middle East | Guardian Unlimited

Thursday, July 12, 2007

This land is your land...as long as you're Christian I guess

Ahhh..Who says we don't have our very own Taliban in this country?
Who was it said "When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in an American flag, holding a cross"?
American Taliban

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Maps! Maps! Maps!

Paracelsus had an awesome post regarding some excellent map mashups out there.
Intrigued, and on a somewhat different tack(looking for payphone maps), I found Google Maps Mania which offers up the most amazing array of mashups imaginable.

Zum Beispiel: A map to help you figure out your Taxi Fare before you even hit the ground...No more long ways around the park!

Night on Earth

So much cool stuff..I think my next few evenings are going to be lost in looking at maps.
I wonder if there are any Here There Be Monsters mashups out there?