My dog Asher passed away yesterday. He was 14 years old. I remember when I first saw him at the shelter...I wasn't even looking for a dog. I just used to go to the shelter to visit the poor dogs there and when I saw him, I had to take him home.
I almost didn't get to take him. Another person had seen him first and I didn't know there was a a "waiting list", only that I had to call on Monday to see if he was still available. Fortunately for me, he was.
Thus began a 14 year odyssey with sweetest(unless he didn't know you) and craziest dog you'd ever know. He had had such a 'sheltered' life in his first six months that he didn't know that he couldn't walk across water, and so his first introduction to swimming consisted of him trying to walk on the Bay, with predictable results. He was never a big fan of water after that.
His aloofnes and distrust of strangers earned him the moniker asher.mental when I worked at Red Herring, but after he got to know you, he was your friend for life.
When we brought him home, he met our cat, Spock, with whom he immediately wanted to play, much to Spck's dismay. After a while, they became the best animal friends ever and when Spock passed away a few years ago, Asher took the loss very badly. He never got over losing his best friend, and now I know how he felt.
I miss you Asher, you were a good dog.
Sorry to hear the news. Rest in peace Asher.
Oh Buebs! Oh Ashes! You will be sorely missed. I remember how excited your "parents" were when they brought you home. You enriched their lives, provided parenting practice, and brought them together with many a excellent doggie-playgroup friend. Rest in Doggie Peace, my furry friend:) -"Aunt" Nina
I am sorry, Frank. I know how much your family loved him. Give my girls a hug and one for yourself, good man. You were very dear to him. As you know, I am not a dog person, but Asher won my heart. Every time I visited, I thought, and often did, of getting him a real dog bone up the street at the butcher. He was very loyal and loving. Carry on that love and loyalty and he will reward all of you in doggie heaven. Love you guys! JPW
"Oh he died? I am sad mommy. He was one of the first dogs I liked. I really liked him mom. I am sad." Cousin S
Oh! I am so sorry to hear about the passing of our 'other son'. Will miss you dearly Mr. A. Hope you and Kore are whooping it up in biscuit heaven. Y'all should be chasing our cats too!
Take care.
I remember walking him up that hill you lived on when you asked me to take him for a walk...what a stoic sweet beast..I think he's still strolling up a hill somewhere.
Mo & Bonzo
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