Before I go any further, apologies for being AWOL for the last who-knows-how-many-weeks...We're tasting the fruits of the economic downturn at home and it is NOT good. So rather than blog about lay-offs, our precarious housing situation, general malaise and depression, I did the sensible thing and shut the hell up.
So, what's all this about Einstein? I'll tell you what, he was a smart guy, but don't you think you could do better? Sure you could, come on, the guy worked in a Patent Office! If you feel up to it, you can go HERE and change history! No more of that boring ol' E=mc2 crapola, no way, we're talking "That's what she said!", huh? Am I right?
Here's my bit...lifted from the wall of a bathroom in Goettingen Germany...truer words were never spoken(written)!

OK, here's another, cuz it's just that much fun...

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