Friday, March 02, 2007

Update: The Pogues drive a Cadillac SUV?

Finally found the commercial on YouTube...and just in time foir Irish History Month!
Listen to the lyrics after the've all piled into the Family the old man sips his coffee. Classic!


Ned said...

I can't get this tune out of my head since I saw this. I'm sorry to say it, but I like this ad. Never having studied Pogue-ology in school, I would certainly have missed the lyrical "value-add" in there. The word VOMIT occurs at the exact moment we see SRX emblazoned on the bumper. Thanks to your informative post, I find the ad doubly entertaining!

Have you seen the Honda Impossible Dream ad?

St. Frank said...

It's a catchy tune for sure. I hadn't seen the Honda ad, but just checked it out and all I could think of when I watched it was "Will Ferrell".
My god, the guy just looked like him and it seemed kind of cheesy with him singing along.