Friday, October 13, 2006

Popularity Contest

So, all this time I've been thinking that this blog has just been a cyber version of me screaming into the void...I always wondered if anyone actually read it.
Well, my suspicions have been confirmed: No one reads this!
Oh, it's not so bad, it's not like I really expected anyone to(sniff)...
How do I know this? Why, I just went to The Blog Juice Calculator where I scored an impressive 0.0!! Woo Hoo! We're number 4,456,237,891!!!!Or something like that
Anyway, you too can go check your stats according to the number of RSS subscribers.

You can also confirm your own hipness buy checking the top ten blogs and note how many you subscribe to or have saved as Bookmarks. I always check out Gizmodo, and I'm not just saying that because they are number one either!

Yet another excellent feature is one where you can compare rankings between two blogs, for example, Me and Paracelsus Rambles.
Only problem is, it doesn't display the results in a tidy little table, have to scroll down to see Paracelsus with an impressive 3.0 then keep scrolling....scroll some see me...0.0! Just like High School!!


Anonymous said...

Keep at it, kid, and maybe someday you'll be ranked 337,450th like me.

You've got lots of loyal fan(s). I don't miss an issue.

Anonymous said...

I have come to the conclusion that a lot of the world is a popularity contest. Naive me I thought it ended in high school how silly of me.