The frequency of blog posts that is.
See, all this time you thought I was being lazy...or stupid..or lazy. While in fact, I have been on the cutting edge, nay, the BLEEDING EDGE.
(Did I just use "nay" and "bleeding edge" in the same sentence?? Wow, how naying-edge am I?)
Any way, once again I have been justified without my even knowing it.
According to Eric Kintz, it's bad form to
post every Web 1.0. *sigh*
#6 is great..yeah, you can tell the quality of my posts are awesome because of my infrequent posting.
#7...Uh, taking yourself a little too seriously much?
#8 and #9...I just think they are reaching......
And #10? Please..who are you trying to score points with??
Anyway, check it out..and if you blog, take it easy...don't post too often. See, you'll be helping to maintain the "Credibility of the Blogosphere".