Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I was literally rolling on the floor laughing when I saw this. Well,...no. But If I had, then that would have been the correct use of the term 'literally'.

A site devoted to the abuse of the word "literally".

And just because, Someone spent a lot of time researching "Further" versus "Farther".

Friday, November 17, 2006

How do you get your kicks?

I know I should be camping outside a Wal-Mart for a PSIII and enduring the unbelivable insanity, not to mention the cold, but I don't find that at all amusing.
What's got me all excited now is Windows Vista. There I said it. I know, pathetic....maybe pathetic is too mild a word, but it'll have to do.
Anyway, who cares, did you know there are some real cool feaure in MS Vista? And I don't mean "features", you know, like feeeeatures? No, some are actually PRACTICAL.

Like, Copying and Pasting from a remote computer

Or how about ReadyBoost which allows you to use a Flash Drive for virtual memory? Ok, maybe not that practical, but cool nonetheless.

Or my favorite,Dynamic Disk Resizing...I'm guessing the guys at Partition Magic are gonna be pissed.

Swords into Plowshares...or Giant Fire Extinguishers

Saw this on Gizmodo today (Check the link for more information.) Hungarian engineers cobbled together bits of old Soviet-Era weaponry to produce what can only be described as the Mother of all fire extinguishers.

Feh...The user disabled embedding the video, so you'll have to go to YouTube to see it.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Be Careful Out There

Tips on navigating the Internet.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Live to Ride

The yearly pilgrimage to the International Motorcycle Show is nearly upon us.(By us, I mean those of us in the San Francisco Bay Area, some of you have already had the pleasure).
This year I may try attending sans enfants mainly becasue I will actually be able to focus on the bikes rather than my 3 year old falling off a Suzuki RM85. On the other hand, my girls really like going to the show and climbing on the bikes....and what better way to get a majority opinion on motorcycle ownership around the house than that? Hmmmm...something to consider.
In the meantime, here's a sampling of what I'll be ogling: